Valencia | TicketBarato


Valencia is the capital city of the Carabobo State, and the third largest city of Venezuela. This city is an economic hub that contains Venezuela's top industries and manufacturing companies so it's a frequent stop for business travelers of Venezuela.


Valencia's has a vast amount of attractions for any tourist, from museums to national parks. tourists can visit the Páez Mansion which was once owned by one of the first presidents of Venezuela and leader of the independence wars. the museume features a historical library and painting with scenes depicting independence was painted by Arturo Michelena. also located in Velencia is a museum of history and anthropology that contains a collection of the pre-Colombian and colonial heritage of Venezuela. the Negra Hipólita Park and Fernando Peñalver Park are great parks filled with gardens, concert halls,cultural centers and facilities for children. The park surrounds thr stream of the Cabriales River in the Northern part of the city.